The two most effective health trends are either the vegan movement or the ketogenic diet. While these two diets do not seem to promote each other, it is possible to reap the benefits of what both have to offer. The only way to survive on a keto-vegan diet is consuming enough vegan fat sources to keep you healthy and satiated.
Just in 2017 alone, there was a 987% increase in demand for more meatless options because of its incredible health benefits. However, most vegan diets consume a high amount of carbohydrates, which is not suitable for the keto-vegan diet.
On the other hand, the ketogenic diet fights diseases speeds up fat loss and many other health benefits, but it includes a high amount of meat consumption, which has been proven to have its own health risks.
So how exactly do we combine the two and receive the benefits of both, while ensuring we are still eating healthy and not eating too many carbohydrates?
That’s where eating the right vegan fat sources comes in, without them you cannot survive on a keto-vegan diet.
Keep reading and learn which vegan fat sources will help you thrive on the keto-vegan lifestyle.
Let’s get started!
Why Are Fats Important?
Protein from animal sources is a major component In a traditional ketogenic diet but is not completely necessary. In fact, the main focus in any keto diet is fat consumption, as fat — like protein — is essential for human survival.
Fats take longer for the body to break down, which keep you more satiated and satisfied. Eating more fats will also nourish your skin, balance your hormones, helps your blood stay fluid, nourishes your brain, boosts the immune system, and much more.
There are a few main types of fats that are essential to surviving the keto-vegan diet.
Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs)
Unlike long-chain triglycerides that have a higher caloric content and are usually man-made (talk about the hydrogenated vegetable seed oils an trans fats), MCTs are natural and they come with a ton of health benefits:
- Mental clarity and focus
- Promotes fat loss
- Increases your leptin, the hormone responsible for feeling full and satiated
- Helps you to stay in ketosis (the fat burning zone)
- Converted immediately into energy without needing to break down.
- Reduces lactate buildup in athletes, increasing athletic performance
- Fights bacterial growth in the body
- Reduces high cholesterol and risks of heart disease
- Reduces chances of Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and autism
- Reduces blood sugar levels, lowering the risks of diabetes.
Natural vegan sources of MCT oils are coconut oil, and pure MCT oil.
Monounsaturated Fats
These fats typically go unnoticed because of the popularity of MCTs, but they also have a ton of health benefits that are similar to that of MCTs.
Monounsaturated fats help in many ways:
- Combat cancer
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Improves mood
- Fights depression
- Lowers inflammation
- Weight loss
- Lowers LDL (the bad cholesterol)
- Lowers risk of arthritis
You can get the amazing benefits of monounsaturated fats by consuming avocados, olive oil, chia seeds and much more.
Now that we have covered the importance of fats, let’s dive into the vegan fat sources.
Mother nature provided us with a gift, and that gift is avocados. These round fruits of creamy deliciousness have so many health benefits that it could be a full article in itself. Avocado is 77% fats, which makes it one of the highest fat concentrated foods on the planet.
Besides being an incredible fat source, avocados are full of many other vitamins and minerals. Avocados are also loaded with soluble fiber which helps keep your gut healthy, they have more potassium than a banana, and they can help raise your good cholesterol (HDL) while lowering the bad (LDL).
Eating avocados will also help you absorb the fat-soluble micronutrients A, D, E, and K which is from other plant-based foods. By adding avocado to your meal, you can increase the antioxidant absorption up to 15 times more!
Another reason to love avocados is that you can create almost anything with them! You can still be on a keto-vegan diet and enjoy vegan keto recipes such as avocado puddings, spreads, dips, ice cream, cakes, and so much more.
Coconuts are equally as amazing as avocados, which makes them mother nature’s miracle food for us as a vegan keto fat source. This beautiful, versatile fruit has had a bad rep for a while, and it’s time we clear the air so you can reap the benefits of coconuts.
Coconuts are full of saturated fats, yes. However, it is a good type of saturated fat. Do not confuse the overly processed, high cholesterol, hydrogenated coconut oil with the pure, extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil. Coconuts are full of MCT fats, which makes them a superfood in terms of healing and nourishment.
Some benefits of coconuts are:
- Incredible for athletic performance,
- Improves digestion and absorption
- Supports healthy thyroid function
- Helps prevent aging, wrinkles, age spots
- Promotes weight loss,
- Fights against bacteria and infections
- Acts as an anti-fungal, anti-parasite, and anti-bacterial agent.
- Protects the body from degenerative diseases and cancers
Coconuts can come in many forms, which makes them incredibly versatile, and is in a plethora of vegan keto recipes.
Use coconut oil for cooking because of its high heat tolerance, it will not change to a hydrogenated fat like other oils. You can also apply the coconut oil to your skin, hair, and add it to your smoothies for an added vegan fat source.
Add coconut milk into your cooking, smoothies, and coffee in place of milk, and use coconut flour in place of other flours for keto-friendly baking.
Adding nuts to your keto vegan diet will help you feel satiated and satisfied. Almonds, in particular, are the best choice for nuts. They contain fewer calories but much more protein than any other nut.
They also include many other minerals, vitamins, and nutrients such as iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, zinc, vitamin B, and E.
You can easily add almonds to your keto vegan diet as a snack, or add them to your vegan keto recipes such as smoothies, baking, salads, keto cereal, and much more.
Chia Seeds
Beyond the cool chia pets from the 1970s, chia seeds are one of the most incredible vegan fat sources and are also one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Chia seeds contain few calories but are full of many vitamins, nutrients, and good fats.
One ounce (30 grams) of chia seeds contains;
- 14% protein (4 grams)
- 18% of the RDI for calcium
- 30% RDI of magnesium
- 27% RDI of phosphorus
- 30% of the RDI for manganese
- Also contain zinc, potassium, Vitamins B1, B2, B3
Chia seeds are renown for having the best ratio of Omega-3s to Omega-6s which helps to decrease inflammation. They are also loaded with high-soluble fiber and can absorb up to 12 times their weight in water, which makes them a terrific food for feeling fullness.
Chia seeds make a great addition to salads, keto cereals, and many keto baking recipes. Make a chia pudding mixed with your favorite vegan protein powder, cacao, and avocado, it’s delicious!
Olive Oil
Being rich in monounsaturated fats, extra virgin olive oil is an incredible fat source for vegans, especially on the vegan keto diet. Olive oil is full of oleic acid, which reduces inflammation and cancers.
Olive oil is also full of vitamins E, K, and tons of antioxidants that help protect your blood cholesterol from oxidation. This lowers your risk of chronic diseases and heart disease.
If the above reasons aren’t enough for you to buy a bottle of olive oil, it also contains oleocanthal, which is a strong anti-inflammatory that has a similar effect on the body as taking ibuprofen.
Add extra virgin olive oil to your marinades, salads, and low heat cooking. Be cautious with the amount you use as one tablespoon contains over 120 calories!
Want a Diet Plan and Recipes for Vegan Fat Sources?
Now that you know the top 5 vegan fat sources, you are probably excited to start incorporating them into your keto-vegan diet.
Learn how to use these fats with our 7-day keto meal plan. It contains over 30 delicious recipes, including desserts and snacks. My meal plan will also teach you how to avoid excess carbohydrates, how to avoid unhealthy foods, and how to live the keto vegan lifestyle!
This is your jumpstart to a newer, healthier you!
Want more information about the keto-vegan lifestyle? Check out more articles on my blog.
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